In the 2009 movie Up in the Air, George Clooney plays a guy whose job it is to fire people for other people.
One day his company gets the bright idea to fire via web-cam to save travel expenses. But the experiment ends when they learn things can go uncontrollably wrong without the physical presence of a professional in the middle of a crisis.
Surprise, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, PP’s IA affiliate, doesn’t care whether things can go bad for mothers aborting their babies, as we know can happen. PP of IA is the 1st in the nation to begin committing telemed abortions. See how, as explained on KCCI News, May 17. Note that abortionist Tom Ross inaccurately refers to the RU-486 abortion as a “miscarriage experience”:

Operation Rescue has been on this story for 6 weeks….

On April 22 the IA Board of Medicine notified OR it had opened an investigation against PP. OR maintains PP’s practice violates IA abortion law that abortions only be committed by “licensed physicians.” According to OR, PP of IA commits telemed abortions at all 16 of its abortion mills 12 of which don’t have doctors.
Following are key excerpts from a lengthy May 16 piece in the Des Moines Register:
telemed abortions 1.png

The first-in-the-nation system allows a PP physician from Des Moines to visit with each patient by videoconference, then press a computer button to open a drawer in front of the patient, who could be seated up to 190 miles away. The patient then reaches into the drawer and withdraws the abortion pills.
The system is drawing interest from other abortion providers around the country.
Abortion opponents have filed a formal complaint with the IA Board of Medicine….
Dr. Tom Ross, a PP physician who uses the system, said he fulfills his legal obligation to oversee the abortion process.

pill dispencing unit.png

“I do. Yes, sir. Absolutely,” he said. He’s confident the state medical board will approve of the system, which private lawyers vetted….
About 1,500 Iowa patients have used PP of the Heartland’s videoconferencing system to obtain abortion drugs in the past 2 years.
The FDA says it has 8 reports of women dying of infections after taking the pills, but it says there is no proof the pills caused the infections. PP officials say they have cut down on the chances of infection by giving antibiotics, changing the way the 2nd drug is administered, and urging patients to call immediately if they have complications, including fever….

Pro-abort feminists appear fine with virtual abortionists, which also means pregnant and post-abortive mothers will virtually be without care if and when they have complications.
Personally, I’d be concerned about an outfit dispensing abortion meds that can’t even spell “dispensing” correctly. (See still shots left.)
And for all the talk of bringing abortion to pregnant mothers in the hinterlands, here’s the real reason, according to the Des Moines Register:

Ross said he and other abortion rights supporters hoped more physicians would offer the abortion medications once federal regulators approved them in 2000. But few physicians want to wade into the controversial practice, Ross said, which is why PP is using the videoconferencing system….

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