Pro-lifers rain on Planned Parenthood’s dismally attended “celebration”
UPDATE, 5/22, 6:35a: Results of the baby shower, from Sue of Coalition for Life of IA:
The baby shower was very successful. The complete back end of my Ford Ranger was full. I had to ask a friend to help; we filled the back of her van. I dropped off at the local crisis pregnancy centers today. They were very appreciative.
5/21, 4p: They say all publicity is good publicity, but I’m sure that was small consolation yesterday to both Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa and the Cedar Rapids Marriott when all the news crews pulled up to cover the Cedar Rapid PP’s little 30th anniversary celebration, featuring CEO Cecile Richards….
And I do mean little. KCRG reported, “Organizers expected about 200 people.”
Really? That’s it? Where this PP’s state headquarters are located? To greet their national leader?
I would have guessed that translated to an actual anticipated number of 150-175, but even that was high, because a pro-life spy reported, “A girl was sitting at the table that was covered with name tags – it wasn’t all that big a table, so there must have been fewer than 100 attendees.” She got a shaky photo of that table, above left. (Click to enlarge.)
And I expect 1/3 to 1/2 of those attending were paid staff who were forced to go or volunteers given free tickets. Paltry and pathetic.
Compare that to last month’s Dubuque Co. Right to Life banquet (at which I spoke!) that had 600 attendees.
And compare that to over 180 pro-life protesters counted yesterday (click on photos to enlarge)….
But I digress.
According to Dubuque Co. RTL president Steve Brody, 3 tv stations and the Cedar Rapids Gazette all showed, interviewing both him and Pro-Life Action League’s Eric Scheidler. Steve emailed, “In fact the photo taken in the Gazette story [on right] shows me taking a photo of the demonstrators.”
Steve said KGAN provided the best coverage. Notice the condom centerpieces on the tables:
Steve reported:
We had folks from IA, IL, NE, and even KS at the event. So it was truly a coalition of Midwest pro-life organizations, including the Truth Truck sent by Operation Rescue to drive around the area, which was great.
I hope someone took a picture of the elderly nuns who were standing in the rain to demonstrate why PP needed such a heavy police and FBI presence.
See more photos at Flickr.
Steve also reported:
It appears that from all the news stories that Cecile Richards did media interviews one at a time with each of the media outlets with Jennifer Vick at her side. Jennifer works for PP of East Central IA. It’s interesting that CEO Joe Lock was neither interviewed nor with Cecile for the media interviews. It would seem that they wanted to just show women.
Here was a PP infomercial disguised as a KCRG news story…

Any word on the baby supplies drive?
Good question, Kelsey. I saw one photo of the ongoing collection in the Flickr bunch, but I’ll ask organizers for a report.
So…even the presence of the grand witch herself is only good for about a hundred supporters?
I’m betting PP will spin this into something says the Fear of all the Prolifers forced the “other” supporters not to come…..yeah, right.
That is so awesome that so many people turned out to stand against PP!! :)
Kinda sad and pathetic for CR.
Thank you Saints, for standing up for the babies at this event!
so according to KRCG, this PP is not doing abortions, so they’re not handing out RU-486 via “skype”?? They must be the only one in Iowa…..
Why would Ms. Richards say she will go to 60th anniversaries and 75th anniversaries when abortion has only been legal for 30 years? Also, love the way the liberal TV foof said they were protesting against a woman’s right to choose. She didn’t say they were “pro-life” – by saying “anti-choice” it conjures up negative feelings…a very old marketing ploy, and something the liberal Democrats have used in their campaigns for a long time.
Mia, PP has been around since 1921, first called the American Birth Control League.
@Kelsey I got there kinda late and figure I was of the last to donate to the baby shower. There was a overflowing pack-n-play as well as a full bassinet and a few other boxes next to it. I’m told it’s likely everyone that came donated.
I remember several years ago when a group of us picketed a New Ways meeting in Silver Spring. There were more of us than the meeting attendees!
We received many essential baby items for the baby shower to counteract the “celebration of Planned Parenthood in Eastern Iowa for 30 years”. We filled the complete back of my Ford Ranger, I had to ask a friend to help with taking the items to the local crisis pregnancy centers with the use of the back of her van. I did not count the items, too many. It was a success. I dropped them off today and they were very appreciative. We helped Moms in need, not taking away from them as PP does.
Cecile Richards is so pretty! Its such a shame to see such a beautiful woman whose whole life is colored with the ugliness of child killing. But then Satan was the most beautiful of all the angels also.
Sometimes those with the darkest hearts have the most beautiful faces. You truly can’t judge a book by its cover.
Omigosh! Mah insurance doesn’t cover birth control pillz! What am I goin to do!? I cant just stop having sex!!!
As 1 of the 180-200 people there,(1 of about 53 from DBQ) I am not surprized that the number attending PP’s gathering was inflated. PP & the media had to build up the number of PP supporters so they wouldn’t look like the minority they really are. & you will notice PP didn’t let the media film the banquet either. They knew it would show how few were really there.
Note to RSD: PP was spinning us as a threat in the media before the event. Lock told the media that they were working with the FBI to ensure the safety of those attending the banquet & that they had contated those attending to reassure them of their safety. So if he does say this later, should the truth get out, he has already laid the groundwork for the spin.
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I guess nothing proclaims their intellectual and spiritual sterility more than condom centerpieces on the tables. Give them credit for truth in advertising.
One of the news accounts said PP was working with the FBI since February. Wow! Great job, guys! We all feel much safer knowing our country’s top law enforcement agency is johnny-on-the-spot in their black SUV’s and swat team fatigues to counter the kids and little old ladies holding signs. If the public can’t see whats going on they are blind.
We see once again how the snakey PP works. By pulling in the FBI they gets tons of free spin in the media that portrays pro-lifers as a huge threat, when in fact the reality is that it is PP who is the single largest contributor to violence against humanity in the country. Last year alone Planned Parenthood of America committed some 300,000 violent dismemberments of tiny human beings, and were certainly responsible for countless other mini-abortions via abortifacients.
Thanks for the update on the baby supplies. Sounds like it went wonderfully! It’s too bad it didn’t get any mention in the media.
I’m going to pray and those in agreement can just say amen
Father please help bring down this culture of death that is setting up house in our country.
Not by being like they are by killing people but by bringing in so much light that it puts them out of business. Help us to remember that most people when giving real choices choose life. And as citizens help us to demand that crisis pregnancy centers or just pregnancy centers in general receive federal dollars as well. If those who advocate for death are not ashamed to make their demands as citizens give us the boldness to make our demands as well. And when they go out of business and return to the house of life help us to love them.
I was at the protest, -rode with Joe and Ann Scheidler from Chicago. It was a very successful protest! And that despite the brisk wind and chilly rain. I got a little soaked and cold, but warmed up well in the van ride home.
In spite of PP’s spin machine, propaganda on local TV and arm-bending of the local police as well as the FBI, we were still able to stage one of the most successful protests I’ve ever witnessed or been a part of. The local media coverage was excellent, especially KCRG Ch. 9 and the local CBS affiliate. See the media links at
Also see my photos and media links at:
Amen Myrtle!
Mods can you please delete and ban the idiot troll advertising jewelry as say and shenwenwen on a pro-life blog. Odds are it is a pro-abort trying to infect computers with a virus. I wouldn’t recommend anyone take the bait. Either way it is totally inappropriate.
Thanks Mods for removing that post. Probably the post by “saya” on 5-22 at 3:33am is the same person or another troll. Take a look.
Looks like the DWC’s (Dreaded White Christians) were out in full force! ;-)
Phillymiss…ha ha ha!!! :-)That made me chuckle.