Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email

  • Mommy Life shares the thoughts of a father who sees his daughter, Chloe, who has Down Syndrome, as “incorruptible,” and “a soul that cannot be compromised.”

  • MN Citizens Concerned for Life points out the flaws in Rev. Kendyl Gibbons’ insistence that abortion is justifiable because miscarriage is common. Is death by natural causes the same as death by drive-by shooting? Intent matters.

  • Live Action points out why liberal media like the NY Times, are consistent mouthpieces for the abortion industry:

    The media knows that if they frame any issue, they can control how people will think about it. If they write in a way as to assume that the unborn is not worthy of consideration as a human life, they know the public will slowly ignore that fundamental question. Out of sight, out of mind.

    When the public is faced with having to answer what an abortion does to an unborn human child, the moral questions that arise are unavoidable. The reality of brutal killing cannot be denied and the public realizes that a civilized society cannot stand for such an uncivil act.

  • Lisa Graas reports another attack against pregnancy centers, this time in Washington State. The proposed bill would require PRCs to post in 5 languages that they do not refer for abortions, provide birth control or medical services (even though this is not the case for many centers). These notices must be posted by the door, on websites, and in every brochure and piece of advertising.Secular Pro-Life notes many PRCs actually do offer birth control through Natural Family Planning. The constitutionality of WA’s proposed law is in doubt in light of the recent ruling in favor of pregnancy centers in MD.
  • ProLifeBlogs features a tongue-in-cheek post from Creative Minority on the “stealth” technology of pro-lifers. After all, they somehow manage to gather in DC every year by the tens of thousands, and yet, amazingly, no one in the media seems to notice.
  • ProLife Wisconsin discusses the effectiveness boycotting WI and national companies which support the abortion industry.

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