Planned Parenthood of IL tries to scrub claim that mandatory child sex abuse reporting would overtax the system
Planned Parenthood of Illinois is opposing a bill that would require its nonmedical staff to report suspected child sex abuse. HB 2093, if passed, would compel office personnel and volunteers to also be mandated reporters along with medical staff (not that they ever did).
Incredibly, PP of IL opposes HB 2093 because it claims forcing all staff to report suspected child sex abuse would overtax the system. This will have to go down in the annals as PP’s worst talking point ever, particularly given PP’s recent “waist up” fiasco. PP belatedly agrees and has just scrubbed the wincer from its website. Not to worry, saved a screenshot. Here’s the money line IL PP attempted to delete. Click to enlarge…
Not only did IL PP take lots of heat externally for admitting it must know of an awful lot of child sex abuse, it must have caused quite a bit of dissension among pro-abort ranks. On March 9 Dan McConchie of Americans United for Life reported something pretty amazing at That is that the IL NARAL affiliate, IL Choice Action Team, reversed itself on its opposition to HB 2093. Here’s that email. Click to enlarge…
And if there’s any doubt that IL PPs are fully aware that child sex abuse victims walk through their doors, be sure to listen to audiotapes recorded secretly in 2002 by Life Dynamics showing all 12 IL PPs were willing to cover up child statutory rape.

So they were for protecting statutory rapists before they were against them?
Given pro-aborts propensity for circular arguments, it’s only a matter of time until they flip it around once more.
“Given pro-aborts propensity for circular arguments, it’s only a matter of time until they flip it around once more.”
The image that comes to mind is that of turd circling the drain and accelerating rapidly before descending into a decreasing radius spiral and suddenly vanishing from sight into the utter darkness of the stench filled abyss.
the folly of a puppy in frantic pursuit of his/her own tail, who, when she/he is unfortunate enough to apprehend the appendage, bites it real hard and then, in an angry knee jerk reaction to the unknown source of the pain clamps down again even harder.
Most puppies possess the good sense to run through a rudimentary logic tree and do a little cause/effect analysis and determine the sudden pain was coincidental with the biting of that ‘thing’ and when they stopped biting that ‘thing’ the pain immediately began to subside.
Too bad progessive/liberal/humanists don’t have tails to teach them.
Evolution rears it’s ugly head once again.
Personally think the turd circling the drain is more apt. One of those turds that never goes down now matter how often you flush. It just keeps spiraling forever and ever.