Life Links 1-27-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- A district judge has denied a Justice Department attempt to stop Colorado-based sidewalk counselor Kenneth Scott from talking to drivers as they enter Denver’s Planned Parenthood.
- Overheard: Students for Life of America’s Kristan Hawkins in an interview at National Review Online:
You know, I saw two bumper stickers on a car the other day, and it still frustrates me when I think of it: One side of the car had a “You Can’t Be Catholic and Pro-Choice” bumper sticker, and the other side had an “Obama 2012″ bumper sticker. Can you say disconnect?
- The Michigan Daily has an insightful piece by Cassie Balfour, a pro-choice student, who recently took the time to attend a meeting of the university’s pro-life student group:
It’s pretty easy to be pro-choice at the University. I may have been raised in the religious west side of the state, but I grew up in East Quad, where being pro-choice is as ubiquitous as the Bob Marley posters pasted on dorm room walls.
It’s easy to get trapped in an echo chamber when you think the Truth belongs to your side. But even if we can’t agree, we can occasionally step across the protest line, stop the chanting, and listen.
- Katrina Fernandez writes about beauty in the pro-life movement:
The beauty I am referring to transcends age…. The passion that drove them to stand out in freezing rain for hours on end transformed their faces into an angelic beauty. These were the faces of people who knew they were supporting a just and noble cause.
On meeting some of the pro-choice protesters at the March:
I will never forget the one woman I met on Monday. She was there wearing an “I had an abortion” t-shirt. She said her abortion was 26 years ago and it was the best thing she’d ever done.
Can you image living as long as she has and the only grand achievement she can claim for herself was having an abortion two and half decades ago? She even remembered she was 40 days gestation at the time she terminated her pregnancy. Someone who is unaffected by something does not remember those types of details.
[Photo via EWTN News]
You know, I saw two bumper stickers on a car the other day, and it still frustrates me when I think of it: One side of the car had a “You Can’t Be Catholic and Pro-Choice” bumper sticker, and the other side had an “Obama 2012? bumper sticker. Can you say disconnect?
Can you say “Two drivers?”
One can hope, LisaC.
The observation from Katrina Fernandez re the “angelic beauty” observed at the March for Life is spot on.
Not only at the rally but at prolife events around the country. We are a nation blessed by beautiful youth and young adults who see so clearly the stakes of our country going down the slippery slope. These young men and women are truly inspiring, and when compared to the narciscism of my 1960’s generation they are lightyears ahead of where we were in their personal morality and seriousness. Theirs is the generation that has been most impacted by the 54 million unborn babies killed in utero that are their brothers and sisters (and uncles and aunts) in spirit.
I cannot say I have ever seen a troubled young prolifer. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for their counterparts in the ranks of the proaborts. Certainly not every proabort behaves in this manner, but a great many do: Their manner is often vulgar and angry with crude behaviors and language/screaming obscenities at prolifers accompanied often with contorted facial expressions. These two consitutencies represent the culture of life versus the culture of death.
Amen Kristan!! Loved her signs “I vote pro-life first” :)