Life Links 4-17-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Erin McCann, a student at the University of Maine, provides your typical assertion-filled, argument-free piece opposed to the Genocide Awareness Project.
- Mississippi’s governor has signed the bill to tighten abortion regulations. Abortion advocates claim the legislation could put the state’s lone abortion clinic out of business since two of their three abortionists don’t have admitting privileges:
The clinic’s owner, Diane Derzis, said in a telephone interview this month that all her doctors are obstetrician-gynecologists, but only one has admitting privileges at an area hospital. She vowed to fight to remain open.
- In a new book, actress Vanessa Williams discusses an abortion she had in high school:
Vanessa Williams, now a mother of four, said she first got pregnant when she was in high school but decided to have an abortion — another secret she kept from her mother.“Being pregnant is the most frightening thing that happens in your life,” she said. “I knew in high school that’s something that I was not prepared to do, or fight, or struggle with.”
- The Irish Times has a piece on four women who aborted children with genetic abnormalities or a condition where the child would die shortly after birth. The women refer to their aborted children as babies throughout the piece but there really aren’t any quotes for why they had abortions instead of bringing the children to birth:
“Having to walk around Birmingham for five hours when you’ve just ended your baby’s life, you’ve had an anaesthetic and are bleeding and cramping…. I believe in a loving, caring, understanding God and that I won’t be damned for what I did….
[Photo via]

“Furthermore, I find it incredibly confounding that groups such as GAP expend an inordinate amount of time and energy fighting against women’s rights for a fetus the size of a dime.”
It would seem to me the greater the difference in size and power between the victim and the predator the more credit the rescuer should receive for intervening on behalf of the victim.
‘incredibly confounding’- The bigot, no matter how intelligent, is incapable of understanding why anyone care about the object of their dis-affection.
Missy McCann,
When your mother was pregnant with you, what species of embryo/fetus was present in her uterus?
You erroneously presume that just because women and men are concerned with equal rights for pre-natal children they are un-concerned about equal rights for post natal human beings.
You wouldn’t have the right to vote if it had not been for some men who intervened on your behalf, even if women are smaller and weaker.
The article says that Ms. McCann is a fourth-year biology major at UM. I nearly choked when i read that… I expected that type of substantively empty drivel from a non-science background. She needs to get her money back, because she obviously learned NOTHING while there. For a biology major to use pseudo-philosophical BS with nothing to actually back up her statements, then engage in a complete biology fail by asserting that size makes an organism ‘less than’ other organisms of its species, is completely embarrassing and disgraceful. Go back and take your tests again, McCann… Because you shouldn’t have passed to this point.
Vanessa Williams abuse lead her to a lifetime pattern of deception. I am glad she has finally (even if 40 tears later) found the strength to be honest about things. Now maybe she can start healing.
I wonder if Ms. McCann thinks a six foot tall person has more rights than a five foot tall person.
Ms. McCann seems to think fathers have no business in their children’s lives until after they are born. Maybe she aborted over the father’s objections and still carries the wounds.
“Being pregnant is the most frightening thing that happens in your life,” she said. “I knew in high school that’s something that I was not prepared to do, or fight, or struggle with.”
SADLY, she was pregnant. She says that she knew it was something she was not prepared to do … she was not prepared to fight (with whom?) and she was not prepared to struggle … so like so many others, she took what she thought was the easy way out … an abortion.
I have no doubt that she and others like her would defend her choice to abort her child as something they had to do in order to survive. I can understand that – but I do so wish that they would also say “it is something that I would NEVER recommend”
I don’t know about you all, but I’m catching a vibe in Ms. McCann’s article of major guilt. I’m not saying she’s had an abortion herself–maybe she has. But her arguments are defensive and hysterical. Her main problem with GAP is that she just can stand the sight of them.
My belated thank to JivinJ — due to his-or-her prompt listing of the U-Maine article by Ms. McCann, I got to be the first commentor!
As nearly as I can tell, Erin McCann asserts that it is okay for our country watch over the killing of 54 million children — because the killings were chosen, one-at-a-time. That this is morally superior to the genocide of Rwanda, where the victims were killed one-village-at-a-time.
Is this what you are trying to say?
The progressives mantra: See no truth, hear no truth, speak no truth.
My advice to to missy McCann, ‘Duck and Cover’.
After these knaves see the flash, they will frantically ‘Duck their collective head and Shove It’ back where the sun don’t shine.
My continued prayer is that it will produce just the opposite effect. The resultant ‘pop’ will be heard round the world as their craniums are forcebly extracted from their posteriums. [Fade in Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir singing spirited rendition of ‘Free At Last’ accompanied appropriately enough by the Bostons ‘POPS’ Orchestra.]
The resulting seismic shock wave will reach heretofore un’heard’ of magnitudes on the sphincter scale.
Truth tsunamis will liberate low those residing in the perpetual darkness of their own self imposed ignorance.
The sudden release of large volumes of methane gas may trigger another ice age which could result in the extinction of already endangered ideologies known as progressivism, liberalism and humanism.
I love stories with happy endings.
The “size of a dime.” Does Ms. McMann think her leg is more valuable than her brain, since it’s much bigger? Or that a woman who is 6 ft tall is more valuable than a little girl who is 4 ft tall? Since when does size have anything to do with human rights?
It’s amazing how weak the arguments of abortion advocates are. Amazing.