Scraps thrown to the dogs: India’s treatment of preborn woman
A person even saw a foetus being fed to the animals….
This is known to everyone in Beed, but the police are not taking action as [abortionist] Munde [is] influential.
~ Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, an Indian anti-sex selection organization, discussing the heinous practice of feeding aborted female fetuses to dogs in order to hide evidence of the illegal practice, as quoted by The Daily Mail, May 23
In Maharashtra in the town of Beed, 801 girls are born for every 1,000 boys.
[HT: Lauren P.; photo via]

A post about about sex selective abortion. So we have about ten minutes before someone blames US for this.
These type of horrors are why I have utterly no use for the modern feminist movement, who should be screaming to high heaven over this outrage but instead are more concerned about harm to the income potential of the abortion industry than they are about the killing of unborn girls and a sex-selection abortion practice that threatens to leave women forever outvoted.
This reminded me of a poem I wrote long ago. I read the Bible cover to cover and received much inspiration.
By Denise Noe
Jezebel’s screams
the dogs
It is heinous enough that baby girls are targeted for extermination(War on Women anyone?)but to think that their tiny bodies are fed to dogs?
God help us.
I was wondering with horror, are the babies sometimes born alive and fed to the dogs? You know it probably happens. Jesus have mercy.
My sister wants so badly to adopt a little girl. She would love to take one of those babies and give her a loving, stable home. But no. Lets feed them to animals. Our world is sick, sick, sick.
Denise! I love that! Right on! Jezebel was the first one I thought of when I read the quote. “no one will be able to point to Jezebel and say there she lies.”
Kinda ironic since the website Jezebel’s contributors would defend this very practice.
Oh trollios! Calling abortion defenders!
Please make me feel better about this story and tell me why little girl fetuses are just blobs of tissue and dogs eating their dead or nearly dead bodies on trash heaps is really about empowering women.
Where is your consolation that this story is totally fine?
I have been getting an awful sick feeling every time I see the picture for today’s QOTD. And I can’t but believe that Sidney is right and that some of these girls are alive when they are left to the mercy of these animals. And no one even mourns for them but we who are strangers.
I thought Hindu’s do not believe in abortion? Is it that sex-selection overrides that belief? Heartbreak. They too behave as animals.
Interesting that the absolute best pediatrician my children have ever had was a woman from India. We were very, very sad when Dr. S moved to a different state. How many wonderful Indian women never got to see the light of day? I look at my little daughter (3.5 months) and wonder how on earth you could *not* love a girl as much as a boy. I understand the social structure … but who do they expect their sons to marry later on? Many will remain unmarried or marry outside the culture, which is also important to many traditions (marrying inside the culture). Girls are just as important and valuable as boys. I wish everyone saw that.
Nary a peep from the defenders of ALL abortions???
eg says:
May 25, 2012 at 5:32 pm
I thought Hindu’s do not believe in abortion? Is it that sex-selection overrides that belief?
(Denise) The Hindu priests may oppose it but people in India want boy babies. Thus, female fetuses get the boot.
The late Benazir Bhutto, a strong opponent of all abortion except to save the pregnant girl or woman’s life, stated, “That innocent, perfectly formed child is aborted for no other reason than that she is female.”
How sickening