a470b078-5ece-4f99-8bca-4830b5722440On February 7, 29-yr-old Jennifer Morbelli, pictured right, died at a Maryland hospital the morning after LeRoy Carhart completed the abortion of her 33-wk-old baby in the Germantown, Maryland, mill at which he worked.

Ironically, the day before Morbelli died the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene issued licenses to all 17 abortion clinics in the state without ever having inspected them, even though abortion clinic regulations had been enacted in November 2012.

Carhart’s clinic is still operating, but on March 12 DHMH suspended the licenses of three other clinics associated with infamous late-term abortionist Steven Chase Brigham. According to the Baltimore Sun:

Health Secretary Joshua M. Sharfstein said the department is proceeding on the schedule it originally proposed, which called for issuing licenses in early 2013, followed by inspections. He said the system is working as it should…..

Sharfstein said the others [clinics] had no safety issues that would require a shutdown.

Dr. Sharfstein’s system is obviously backward, but this should come as no surprise, since he is a committed abortion proponent who even supports taxpayer funded abortions. Note Sharfstein determined not to shut down Carhart’s mill, even though Carhart had lied on his Maryland license application and had a patient die.

1198-1-4841bSharfstein, pictured left, was appointed to his current position in January 2011 by pro-abortion Democrat Governor Martin O’Malley. Before that, Obama pegged Sharfstein as the Principal Deputy Commissioner of the FDA.

Before that is when Sharfstein’s dots to Carhart connect.

From 2001 through 2005 Sharfstein served as health policy adviser to virulent pro-abortion Congressman Henry Waxman. He also served as minority professional staff of the Oversight & Government Reform Committee, where Waxman was ranking member.

Between 1995 and 2003 Waxman voted against Partial Birth Abortion Ban legislation six times, the last two of which came during Sharfstein’s tenure (June and October 2003). It seems obvious Waxman would not have brought a health policy advisor on board who didn’t agree with him on the merits of partial birth abortion.

The PBA Ban was finally signed into law by President George W. Bush on November 5, 2003, but was immediately challenged by Carhart and two others. Carhart had prevailed against a previous PBA ban at the U.S. Supreme Court level in 2000. At that time Waxman went so far as to sign an amicus brief in support of Carhart. The Supremes agreed to hear Carhart’s new case, but this time Carhart lost in 2007.

That Sharfstein carries an affinity for Carhart is speculative, but a friend who worked across the aisle from Sharfstein on the Hill is confident there is a there there.

Furthermore, my friend has an additional theory worth posting:

So Josh is shutting down a few rogue clinics in Maryland. You better believe this is part of a bigger strategy on his part. He’s tight with the Planned Parenthood ladies. They don’t really like their competitors, right? So he snips around the edges a bit… tries to take the heat off the pretty kindergarten lady killed at a clinic his people gave a license to. I feel like it’s one of those “don’t look over here, everything is just fine over here” moments that always made me want to look over there…

Following that line of thinking, when in April 2011 Maryland legislators halted legislation to enact abortion clinic regulations on Sharfstein’s promise to come up with his own, Gazette.net reported:

Planned Parenthood opposed the bill but supports the department’s plan to develop regulations. “We have been talking to the department of health for the last few years regarding regulations,” said John Nugent, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Maryland.

Of course, anyone Planned Parenthood trusts is not to be trusted.

Furthermore, a family planning brochure published by Sharfstein’s DHMH lists both the phone number and web address of Planned Parenthood of Maryland as a contact for family planning services.

This looks like another “fox guarding the hen house” scenarios we see so often when it comes to abortion. In this case a late-term abortionist has a friend in a well-placed position who is also a friend to Planned Parenthood.

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