Essure-dispositivoEssure, manufactured by Bayer, is called a “permanent birth control” device that blocks sperm from meeting egg.

A pair of small, flexible metal coils are nonsurgically  inserted into a woman’s fallopian tubes, after which tissue grows around the coils, creating a “natural” barrier, according to the maker.

Essure has now been implanted in over 600,000 women since the FDA approved it in 2002 and is considered 99.83% effective. It is nonreversible, so I’m not sure why it’s not called a “permanent sterilization” device. Sounds like verbal gerrymandering.

But after more and more reports of adverse effects of Essure began surfacing, famed consumer advocate Erin Brockovich took notice. According to on July 24:

Brockovich explained, “I got involved because so many women were coming to me that had problems with Essure.”

Brockovich recently started a website for women like Noss and says she’s been overwhelmed by the response. She said that she’s already heard from more than a thousand women who’ve shared similar stories of continuing and debilitating pain, headaches, and heavy bleeding they believe is caused by Essure.

brockovichAccording to her website, Brockovich’s goal is to “create a movement to get this product off the market and find a remedy for those who have been harmed.”

The latter at this point may be a problem. Back to

What really frustrates Brockovich is that when the FDA approved Essure, it gave it what’s known as pre-emption status meaning women who feel they’ve suffered because of Essure can’t sue the company that makes it.

“This is a law that will protect the company and if the product’s defective, the people who’ve been harmed by it basically have no recourse. That’s not fair,” Brockovich told NewsChannel 5 Investigates.

Brockovich now hopes to collect 5,000 signatures from women who’ve had problems with Essure. They want lawmakers in Washington to take another look at the pre-emption law and the FDA to take another look at Essure.

That sounds fishy to me, as if Big Pharma and/or feminists had a hand in giving Essure “pre-emption status.” And no surprise, Planned Parenthood is a marketer of Essure:

According to Dr. Amanda Yunker, a gynecologist at Vanderbilt, 4% of Essure users she studied had adverse effects. As Brockovich noted, “That’s a lot of women, isn’t it?” So where are the feminists now?

There are a couple Twitter feeds to follow: @StopEssure and @EssureNightmare; and also a couple Facebook pages: Essure Uncensored and Essure Problems.

[HT: Susie Allen]

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