by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • Culture Campaign notes another Planned Parenthood closing – this time in New Jersey. With no fanfare or explanation, the facility in Manville closed. The clinic had come under fire in the past through Live Action stings.


  • Clinic Quotes shares remarks on abortion regret from now-deceased actress Gloria Swanson (pictured left):

    The greatest regret of my life has always been that I didn’t have my baby… in 1925. Nothing in the whole world is worth the baby, I realized as soon as it was too late, and I never stopped blaming myself.

  • Big Blue Wave wonders if pro-lifers should consider sidewalk counseling at IVF clinics. In a couple’s quest for a child, it is easy to get embroiled into the process without understanding the issue of the sanctity of human life. BBL quotes Dr. Peter Saunders at Christian Comment:

    Liberal Democrat Peer Lord Alton recently asked in parliament how many embryos have been created in each year since the commencement of the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990, and how many of these have resulted in live births.

    Figures given in reply by the Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Health Earl Howe showed that 3,806,699 embryos have been created since 1990. Between 1992 and 2006 a total of 122,043 live births occurred according to figures from the HFEA given alongside his reply….

    122,043 live births from 3,806,699 embryos represent a success rate of 3.21%. Or, to put it another way, 3,684,656 embryos never made it to birth.


  • Live Action discusses the success of the A&E show Duck Dynasty, where the starring family talks about abstinence, pro-life values, and the beauty of adoption instead of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Clearly, audiences long for a positive message in media:

    The Abstinence Clearinghouse website recently posted a video of Jase and Missy, a couple on the show. Jase is one of Phil’s (the Patriarch of the family) four sons…. Jase and his wife unashamedly admitted they chose to wait till marriage to have sex….

    Along with abstinence the Robertsons address the issue of abortion. Phil Robertson… is a strong supporter of the pro-life movement. Phil’s son Willie shows his love for children by being an adoptive father… [of] a bi-racial son, Will.

  • Life Training Institute says if we really want to win hearts and minds, we need to learn to “argue” like Westley from the movie, The Princess Bride:

    In The Princess Bride, Westley is confronted with sword fights, hand to hand combat with a giant, a battle of wits to the death with a rude Sicilian, and the efforts of an evil prince to separate him from his true love. Though not lacking in strength or will, almost every engagement is peppered with wit and warmth. Even in his more terse and threatening exchanges with Prince Humperdink, his aggression is constrained by the necessity of the situation. It offers a good picture to evaluate our own exchanges in the impossibly charming light of Westley the stable boy turned Dread Pirate Roberts.

  • The Leading Edge wonders if viability should even be an issue in the abortion debate:


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