pro-lifeby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

  • Americans United for Life urges pastors in Illinois to address a new bill from the pulpit:

    Illinois SB 1564, a bill that would dramatically reduce the state’s conscience protections for health care providers and pro-life pregnancy centers, continues to advance.Yesterday, the House Committee on Human Services voted along party lines to advance this dangerous bill to the House floor. If the bill passes the House, it will go to Governor Rauner for consideration.

    Download the Pastor’s Briefing Book on SB 1564 here.

  • Clinic Quotes shares a statement from Students for Life of America executive director Kristan Hawkins that gets it right about activism on college campuses. This is the pro-life generation:

    [The pro-abortion groups] are dead. There is nothing going on. The only time we see them is when they are reacting to a Students for Life event.


  • At Ethika Politika, Michael Bradley reviews the book Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation, by Charles Camosy. He says he read it “with high hopes and low expectations” but ended up calling it “challenging and provocative”:

    Camosy juxtaposes different facets of the “abortion wars” phenomenon that taken together make for an articulate, nuanced, and comprehensive argument for how to think holistically about it. His calls for new policies that reflect a trending pro-life American consensus may prove prophetic. His is an accessible but challenging and provocative book that everyone with an interest in abortion ought to read.

  • Culture Campaign shows us that pro-life views should be and are allowed in public schools. Fargo High School denied a pro-life club for students until lawyers from Thomas More Society showed them that their denial was unconstitutional. Said Jocelyn Floyd of TMS: “High-schoolers do not lose their right to form clubs and speak their message just because they are pro-life.”
  • At Bound4Life, a pro-life OB-GYN in Tennessee responds to pro-abortion objections to a newly enacted abortion waiting period, explaining why waiting periods are important (and not just for abortion).
  • At Live Action News, Calvin Freiburger reviews the legal case against abortion waiting periods, brought by a Satanist group who claims waiting periods violate their religion:

    I focused on the difference from a natural-law perspective — i.e., that no religious belief can extend to violating another person’s life, liberty, or property, which abortion does… [and concluded that] regardless of whether we’re playing by originalist or contemporary rules, the Satanic Temple hasn’t a leg to stand on. Who would have guessed that a deal with the devil would leave pro-aborts empty-handed?

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