pelosi and obama talk.jpgUPDATE, 3/21, 8:15a: A Human Events piece, “GOP House Whip: Executive order can’t override abortion law,” mentions there is Supreme Court precedent to back that up. It also includes statements from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, National Right to Life, Americans United for Life, and the Family Research Council. Bart Stupak previously said he took advice on healthcare from these groups. We shall see….

UPDATE, 3/20, 9:02p: The Center for Reproductive Rights opposes an executive order. One interesting reason: May make the Hyde Amendment more permanent, now an annual appropriation.
UPDATE, 3/20, 8:40p: The USCCB has issued a letter opposing the executive order. Kathryn Jean Lopez has posted it at NRO. This is very important. I’ve been thinking that if the Stupac bloc continues to listen to the USCCB, NRLC, and FRC, they won’t go along with the executive order, no matter how well worded – worth the paper it’s written on.
UPDATE, 3/20, 2:50p: What’s up with an executive order? Explanation by the Washington Post:

3 antiabortion Democrats from the Rust Belt huddled in an office suite of Pelosi’s, emerging to say they were still working on an arrangement to satisfy their needs so they could support the legislation. These last holdouts all supported the 1st health-care draft in November and are supportive of the new $940 billion compromise, if the abortion matter can be settled….

1 possible solution would be the issuance of an executive order by Obama that restated the commitment to adhering to the 32-year ban on federal funds going to abortion services except in the case of rape or incest. Rep. Dianna DeGette (CO), the leading abortion-rights Democrat, voiced support for Obama taking such an option, so long as the Stupak provision – which she believes is worded so strongly it would restrict abortion rights – is not given another vote….
Pelosi said an executive order on abortion “might be a possibility” shortly before disappearing with senior lawmakers into her ceremonial offices. Rep. James Oberstar (D-MN), one of the antiabortion lawmakers Pelosi is hoping to persuade to vote for the health bill, said the group was hashing out what exactly an executive order might say….

Hm, had heard Obie already turned coat. Pro-lifers would be oh so stupid to fall for this. Actually, I doubt any who would wage on this gimmick are falling for anything. They’re just looking for cover.
In other news, Molly Hooper of The Hill tweeted at ~2:30p CST:
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UPDATE, 3/20, 12:03p: Read “Rules Committee meeting descends into chaos,” by Byron York, about this morning’s proceedings. Democrats tripping up….
[HT: Michelle Malkin on Twitter]
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3/20, 11:55a: From Michelle Malkin:

Both Left and Right are hearing rumors that the Dems are drafting an executive order to quell pro-life Democrat opposition to the government health care takeover plan.
Daniel Foster reports the buzz at NRO. Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic tweets it here.
If Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak and his pro-life colleagues are feckless enough to sign on to the nationalization of 1/6 of the American economy and the bottomless generational debt it will incur for another worthless Obama promise and empty scrap of paper, God help us all.

[Photo of Pelosi and Obama via Getty]

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