$1+ billion federal funding given to abortion advocacy groups over 7 years
Yesterday TX pro-life Republican Congressman Pete Olson (pictured at podium, right) held a press conference flanked by pro-life Congress stalwarts [Reps. Chris Smith (NJ), Paul Broun, M.D. (GA), Mary Fallin (OK), John Fleming, M.D. (LA), Trent Franks (AZ), Walter Jones (NC), Jim Jordan (OH), Joe Pitts (PA), Steve Scalise (LA), and Jean Schmidt (OH)], Lila Rose of Live Action; Ken Blackwell of Family Research Council, and Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America to announce the results of a Government Accountability Office audit detailing federal taxpayer dollars given to groups that advocate and/or commit abortions.
The audit was requested by 31 Republican lawmakers.
There is some discrepancy whether the final figure over the course of 7 years was “almost $1 billion in taxpayer dollars,” as even Olsen wrote in his press statement, or over $1 billion. It’s over. Here is the exact tally…
• Advocates for Youth: $8.7 Million (2002-09)
• Guttmacher Institute: $12.7 Million (2002-08)
• International Planned Parenthood Federation: $93.8 million (2002-09)
• Planned Parenthood Federation of America: $657.1 million (2002-08)
• Population Council of the United States: $284.3 million (2002-08)
• Sexuality Information & Education Council of the U.S.: $1.6 million (2002-09)
That equals $1,058,200,000. And it doesn’t include state and local funding, which is massive.
For instance, the GAO report states PP got $657.1 million in direct federal funding over 7 years, which is almost $94 million a year. But PP stated in its most recent annual report, 2007-08, it received $349.6 million that year in “government grants and contracts.” So the actual amount in total taxpayer funding is likely more than triple what the GAO found.
(BTW, PP is late making its 2008-09 annual report public. But it knew the GAO report was coming, so there is speculation it was waiting for the GAO results before posting its numbers… to make sure they jibe?)
According to the Houston Chronicle:
“Obviously there is no direct link between the taxpayers’ money and women getting abortions because that would violate federal law,” a congressional staffer said. “But this report helps track the offsets that we know are taking place at these organizations.”…
PP of Houston and SE TX recently debuted a $26 million headquarters to help expand family planning services across the region.
Spokeswoman Rochelle Tafolla said… “None of the federal dollars received are used for abortion care.”… PP affiliates in TX that provide abortion services “are required to be separately incorporated from the entity that provides family planning services,” she said.
This is all a ruse, a shell game, as we saw as recently as yesterday, when I reported that PP of WI got $150k in federal grants 2 years ago through the Title X program to purchase 10 telemed machines, presumably to dispense birth control pills. Will PP have to give the $150k back if it starts using the telemed machines to dispense the RU-486 abortion cocktail? Good question but certainly no. Furthermore, the $150k PP of WI saved in this area freed it to spend $150k on abortion promotion.
Now you can understand more fully Rep. Mike Pence’s legislation, which has 93 co-sponsors, “The Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act,” which would prohibit Title X family planning funding to go to abortion providers.
Again, GAO’s $1 billion figure only includes funds given directly to the selected organizations by HHS or USAID. It does not include state and local funding. It does not include funds HHS or USAID gave to another entity that then passed them on to PP, etc.
As the GAO report stated, its $1 billion figure “may understate the actual amount of federal funds the selected organizations and their affiliates spent.” It represents the floor, not the ceiling.
[Photo via Examiner.com]

Funds are fungible. Period.
Time to defund PP!
“Obviously there is no direct link between the taxpayers’ money and women getting abortions because that would violate federal law,” a congressional staffer said.
Huh? Of COURSE there’s a direct link! Exactly what kind of funds can the government give other than taxpayer collected funds? All federal money is tax money — MY money, YOUR money! If they seriously believe that PP sets aside federal dollars in a separate account labeled “utility bills” they are delusional. But the point is, it makes no difference whether it’s paying the electric bill or the staff or the abortionist — it’s being used to kill babies.
This makes my blood boil.
Amen, amen, amen, amen. Lord have mercy on our country.
The pro-abort officials will be out of jobs come November – if we exercise our right to vote in November. I wonder if there’s a State-by-State list of deadline dates for registering to vote….
I’m so with you. Imagine what better uses there are for over ONE BILLION DOLLARS. It boggles the mind. It’s time to watch Eduardo’s video again – for some uplifting pro-life news. :)
..and pro-aborts are stating that pro-lifers have “well funded” organizations…
Wonder where they get their delusions?
I don’t get mad…I take action.
For those in the Aurora PP area…monthly protest on Saturday at 9 am…Face the Truth tours next month (if I’m not mistaken).
How many diapers could that money have provided? How much prenatal care? How many jars of baby food can you buy for that kind of cash? How much daycare could have been provided for moms who had to support their families? It boggles the mind. These people steal our tax money and teach people spout things about how women can’t afford to have their babies. Heck, the price of Cecile’s shoes could pay rent for a mom in need!
I pray that Jesus can multiply our meager donations to CPC’s the way he multiplied the fishes and loaves!
don’t forget adoption fees for domestic adoptions. Or how about for REAL health care, such as what ninek said: prenatal care.
And we wonder WHY we have a national debt?!?!?!?
“How many diapers could that money have provided? How much prenatal care? How many jars of baby food can you buy for that kind of cash? How much daycare could have been provided for moms who had to support their families? It boggles the mind.”
Don’t get into a numbers game of abortion costs vs child rearing costs. You won’t win, economically speaking.
I am with you Dave.
It irrelevant how many diapers or jars of baby food the money can buy.
The money was taken from the people who earned it and given to people who did nothing do deserve it.
I am the only one who has the ‘right’ to determine who receives the fruits of my labor.
Health care is NOT a right and even if it were, abortion is NOT health care.
If people know they alone are responsible and accountable for the decisions they make, then they will learn to exercise good judgement and avoid foolish behavior.
I have nothing to do with who choose to engage in sexual intercourse, nor with whom they choose to have sex.
Therefore I am neither responsible nor accountable for the consequences of their choices.
I have complete liberty to assist or not assist them when their decision insinuates itself into their present reality.
I will bless whom I choose to bless and I will withold from those whom I choose to withold which is often just as much blessing as contributing to another persons general welfare.
It is called freedom, liberty, and individual autonomy.
You often hear religious folks, especially pulpit meisters when they are trolling for an ‘offerring’, “You cain’t outgive GOD!”
But the truth is: If GOD ain’t giving, for whatever reason HE chooses, and you are, then you can surely outgive HIM.
I know I have ‘out given GOD’ to the detriment, not only of myself, but the person whose was the beneficiary of my misguieded mercy and compassion.
Holy Spirit will direct when and how to give if we just wait on HIM for direction.
Liberals love to use our money to salve their convoluted conscience.
Does anyone really believe that PP is a model citizen and abides by all the rules that congress has established to regulate how PP spends the federal tax dollars it receives?
And even if they did ‘keep the law’, every dollar they do not have to spend on rent, utilities, supplies, etc., they are free to spend on abortion services or contribute to political campaigns through various PAC’s.
Chris Arsenault hit the nail on the head.
“Funds are fungible.”
1 : being of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in the satisfaction of an obligation
2 : interchangeable
3 : flexible
“I am the only one who has the ‘right’ to determine who receives the fruits of my labor.”
Under most forms of government, you are not. Taxes are used to have smaller contributions from individuals to fund vast projects for perceived advancements of society.
Now, you may be an anarchist in which place your views are consistant so pardon my correction.
“Therefore I am neither responsible nor accountable for the consequences of their choices”
Posted by: yor bro ken at June 17, 2010 6:00 PM
So you’re saying that any public assistance payments for birth and subsequent child rearing (includes food stamps and child are subsidies of poor mothers) of children should not be allowed? Having a baby is a “consequence” of sex, too. Would the Jesus that you seem to worship approve of your less than Christian attitude towards single mothers (and families) who are in need? How “pro-life” is that? What happens, in your self centered world view, to married couples who make a choice to have unprotected sex and then have a child (they do not opt for abortion) that they cannot support because both parents are now unemployed (think Gulf region). Are you saying that you don’t think that you are your “brother’s keeper?” What branch of Christianity do you belong to – because mainstream Christianity is certainly antithetical to your views.
And if you want to excercise your “complete liberty” – good luck dealing with the IRS. BTW, I do hope that you’re opting out of Social Security and Medicare. Oh, and your tax dollars go to families of disabled vets so when you stop paying taxes, they will be affected. Christian? Pro-life? I don’t think so…
Just governments govern by the ‘consent’ of the governed. (It is in the Declaration of Independence.)
I am not tax protester.
‘Just’ government does have certain responsibilies, the first of which is the preservation of human life, the second is the protection and provision of liberty.
(How is federal government measuring up to those standards today?)
Our federal government is ‘limited’ by our constitution.
Since the inception of the federal income tax and the employer witholding system, we have lost the liberty to limit what the federal government funds with our money.
The result is over the decades the federal government has expanded exponentially and demands more and more of our money to operate.
Unless we are self employed, we have little or no means to control how much of our money is taken from us before we ever see it except as numbers on our pay stub.
It is like we have given the members of congress our bank account number and our pin number and they can raid our account at will.
That is NOT what the framers of the constitution had in mind when they wrote and ratified the document
The King of England was taking a significantly smaller portion of the colonists money, when they signed the Declaration of Independence and in effect said, “We no longer consent!”
We have a responsibility and an obligation to ensure the federal government spends our money wisely and within the restraints and constraints of the U.S. Constitution.
I believe God will hold us accountable for what we have done with the wealth HE entrusts to us.
(See parable of the talents.)
If the gifts of God are without repentance, and the blessing of God are irrevocable, then we really do ‘own’ what HE has given us.
(Otherwise God is liar and a thief.)
Therefore we are responsible for how those gifts and how that wealth is used.
There is teaching that says the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof and we never really own anything, therefore we only return to HIM what HE has loaned us to steward over.
If that is the case then why was it prohibited to sell ones inheritance.
Why was Essau condemned for exchanging his birthright if he never really possessed it?
We have become like Israel in Egypt.
We have forgotten who we are.
We have lost out identity as the people of God.
Posted by: Terry at June 17, 2010 6:30 PM
You seemed to have overlooked my stated personal responsibilty to GOD to provide for those whom HE directs. (Not you or the government.)
My first responsibility is to my wife and children.
I could indulge you and get into how much of my time and resources I contribute to people outside of my immediate family and what percentage that is of my annual income, but I doubt that would satisfy you.
Because even if you believed what I told you, you would probably say not everyone is like me and therefore the poor which we have with us always would be naked, hungry and homeless.
Do you have any idea the total amount of federal tax dollars expended to fight the ‘war on poverty’ bring about the ‘new deal’ and usher in the ‘great society’?
Would you seriously argue that ‘the war plan’ has been effective?
Veterans by the act of their service to our country and the contract they entered into with the federal government haver earned their benefits and are entitled to them. That is a legitimate expenditure of federal tax dollars.
Your thinking has been boxed in by your lifes experience and the standard to which you compare ‘normal’ is far from the reality of the founding fathers.
The federal governement does not produce anything. It has to first take the wealth from someone else, before it can redistribute it according to the whims of congress.
Most of the members of congress today would view the founding fathers political speech as a treason and sedition.
Get this thru your head.
The wealth I create is mine.
It does not belong to the federal government though the federal government has empowered itself to take it from me, which it does on a weekly basis.
I, like most American citizens have no ‘choice’ in the matter, but in the law silence is equated with consent.
I choose not to remain silent.
I do NOT consent. I object!
So, it was during the time of G. Bush that all that money was given to the pro-choice people.