Defund Planned Parenthood: Pro-life video PSAs
Here are 3 great pro-life PSAs to forward to your email lists and post on Facebook to educate about defunding Planned Parenthood.
This first one is by, actually just using the (nasty, self-centered, sometimes ignorant) words of PP supporters to make our case…
The next one is by, with voiceover by Lila Rose…
Our last video PSA is by Josh Brahm and LifeReport…
And now, two bonus features!
First up is a hilarious Defund Planned Parenthood rap song by skataterntwigga. I felt old because I had to look up “finna” in the urban dictionary (which means, for all you other baby boomers, “fixing to” or “going to”)…
Our final video is just out, produced by a Live Action high school chapter in Northern CA. Inside scoop, the first boy you see is Lila’s younger brother Paul, who wrote, directed, and edited it. Pro-life talent and resolve run in the family…
Wow. These videos are extremely powerful, especially the last one. 2:50 actually brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw it.
Oh, and Jill, I didn’t know what “finna” meant either,and I’m still in high school, so don’t feel too old. :wink:
The first one is ….well, keep going pro-aborts. You’re doing a fine job of making yourselves look like uneducated, ignorant, selfish, foul-mouthed idiots. Bravo.
I wrote my senators to defund planned parenthood and only received a reply from one (she’ll probably end up supporting planned parenthood no mater what). She stated in her reply that the senate had already voted the amendment down and that they would continue to support planned parenthood. After reading her reply I just assumed that the senate had already voted. Has the vote not happened yet? Did she lie to me?
I’ve been busy with family lately and haven’t been able to to stay as informed as I would like. Now I’m just confused. Is there still time to help?
RE: 1st video
I hate liberals.
I thought this one was touching. Look past the technical and listen to her story.
NAR, thanks, I feel better!
Lynn, the Democrat-dominated Senate indeed voted the House’s version of a budget – that included defunding PP – down. So there is no budget. The House and Senate passed a 2-week stopgap budget to keep the government from shutting down that included funding for PP and are preparing to now pass a 3-week stopgap budget that still includes funding for PP. Conservatives want the House to stop passing stopgap budgets and force the Senate and president to approve its budget or shut down the government.
In the first, stomach-churning video: “…abort the baby…” Hello! Conscience? All righty then. Nobody at home. Conscious? This is your Subconscious calling!
Pure Poison?
Lynn – you need to arm yourself with information to allow your Senators to paint themselves into a corner.
1. Has your Senator seen the LiveAction PPA exposed videos?
– if they haven’t seen the videos, would they be willing to meet with a group to review your concerns about this issue?
if yes – spend time to educate them – ask serious, thought provoking questions.
if no – ask why they are willing to vote on an issue they aren’t prepared for.
2. If your Senators have seen the videos -
– ask them how they can defend an organization that has little to no control over the waywardness of their employees. Remember that Stuart Schear – Planned Parenthood’s VP of Communication said PPA employees who covered up statutory rape acted “professionally”. Apparently, PPA’s corporate position is that it’s professional to victimize children. Do not let them sidetrack that.
– at the very least PPA is not living up to their fiduciary duties to the US. government and the people of the United States.
Ultimately, this vile issue needs to be placed in front of the voters, and if Senators choose to stand with PPA – then they also stand with the statutory rapists. Voters need to know that information. At that point – the question becomes – why? Why are our elected officials standing with those who cover up statutory rape?
Are they hiding something themselves?
Cranky – excellent reference. Very powerful.
1st video: wow, who knew hipsters were o evil? All those girls made me sick just listening to the pure hatred and ignorance – they were possessed by demons. Pray for them.
Also the African American bus driver was so ignorant – little does she know that PP was founded to exterminate black people.
In the first, stomach-churning video: “…abort the baby…” Hello! Conscience? All righty then. Nobody at home. Conscious? This is your Subconscious calling!
Proof that they KNOW they’re killing a human being. And they don’t care. We must, after all, have our sex at all costs and without consequence, and no one – not even our own children – must get in the way of our sex.
Beyond twisted.
I was a little underwhelmed by the first video, and had to scroll down and read the comments to figure out what it was supposed to mean. I must have gotten so used to hearing and seeing pro-aborts act that way, that it didn’t strike me as out of the ordinary!
OMG, that first video reduced me to tears! I got shivers down my spine as if seeing the evil one himself…. It’s hard to wrap my mind around just HOW can people be so blind, so cold-hearted, so wrong! The only consolation is that they showed themselves in a very bad light and that’s not doing any good for their cause, thank God. Just makes me want to do even more for the pro-life movement…God, have mercy on them for they don’t know what they’re doing!
Re: the first video… If PL people don’t care about raising the “unwanted” child, then what do they say about the child that my husband and I wanted to adopt, but the child’s father decided to abort anyway, even though we assured him that he would bear no responsibility financial or otherwise for the child?
I have an empty spot in my heart where that child should be. :-( I count that child with my other precious children in heaven (miscarriages). 3 miscarried, 1 intentionally killed by the choice of another.
I do not qualify to adopt in my state. There are so few babies that the age limit is set rather low. I would adopt a baby in a heartbeat. Sandra Bullock waited four years for her baby. 4 years! because she didn’t go to a foreign country and buy one like some other celebrities.
That 1st video is full of nonsense, just a bunch of lewd behaviour and anger, It’s sad really.
One girl said, “we can’t find a common ground on this issue”. I agree with that but with dif. reason. How can you find common ground over killing? That’s why abortion has to come to an end because there’s no way to get around what it is.
A girl said “a fetus isn’t a baby until it’s born?” or something. Okay, so a fetus isn’t a baby 30 seconds before it’s born? How is that? What is it about birth that changes what the fetus is?
One sign said, “If you can’t trust me with a choice, how can yoiu trust me with a child?” I say maybe I can’t trust you with either. I mean you may be right, if your attitude is that your child should be killed maybe you aren’t fit to be a mother.
Oh and then there was the wisdom of the guy that said, “pro-lifers only want to save the fetus but don’t want to save the kids.”
Well for one thing you have to save the fetus before it can become a kid and two, there are plenty of pro-lifers helping kids, this is just a pro-choice smokescreen. It’s just hard to help all of them because there are so many kids that need help and the pro-lifers are trying.
Also, the pro-life side has to put so much energy in keeping the kids from being aborted, that consumes a lot of time and energy right there. There’s a lot of problems with poverty that need to be addressed and it takes all of us to come together and fix it. It’s not fair to put the burden of fixing these problems on the pro-life community, they are already trying to fix the abortion problem.
If you go to the CatholicVote website it has a list of senators to call. The one they had listed I don’t think is mine, but she’s from my state so I called her. Fortunately the representatives from my area of the state usually vote pro-life/conservatively. My parents live in another part of the state and have to put up with a representative who consistently votes against the pro-life votes. They’ve written to her and everything–she sends letters talking about “x,y,z” but my parents know that means she’s not voting pro-life.
It’s easy to boil down each side in just a few words. We see this as a matter of life or death. They see it as cramping their sex life. Why else do they constantly tell us to stay out of their bedrooms? How many abortions are done there???
Just had a chance to watch the first video. It’s hard to be charitable. What a bunch of brain-washed children. I suppose their mothers and fathers are pro-abortion as well. I’m praying for them all (even if they don’t like it).
Lord have mercy on them; Especially the two who gloat about being future abortion “providers”. Help them see the errors of their ways.
One girl said (paraphrased): “Unless they start adopting all the babies that will be born, I don’t know what we’ll do. We don’t have the maintenance.”
I’m not even sure who or what she’s talking about. Who’s “we”? What about taking personal responsibility for one’s actions and not blaming others?