Jivin J’s Life Links 4-7-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Kathryn Jean Lopez has a long piece on Planned Parenthood in the National Review.
- The Hill has an editorial by Abby Johnson regarding Planned Parenthood and then a response from PP’s medical director Deborah L. Nucatola. Nucatola doesn’t really say anything new (her whole piece is assertions without evidence) except asserting that Abby Johnson is lying about “PP count(ing) a 12-month supply of birth control pills as 12 visits.” What’s really crazy is that some commenter named Josh still thinks PP doesn’t provide abortions despite their medical director saying they do. He writes:
PP doesn’t offer abortions, period. No federal funding can go towards abortions; the Hyde amendment assures that. PP is a pre-pregnancy health service and once a woman is diagnosed as pregnant they only offer information of what there [sic] potential options are and refer women to other prenatal care that is more equipped to help these women. This why I’m… so utterly confused by this. They don’t actually perform abortions.
- The first Geron spinal cord patient to receive human embryonic stem cells has revealed himself. It doesn’t sound like the stem cells have magically healed him yet.
- The Economic Observer has an interesting piece on proposed legislation in China’s Guangxi Province which appears to be aimed at reducing sex-selection abortions:
The new law included two items of note: the first, included provisions that ensured that only medical agencies approved by the health department are authorized to provide gender checks to unborn fetuses; secondly, women who are old enough to give birth, who conceived under “lawful conditions” and have been pregnant for over 14 weeks are not allowed to have an abortion, unless they can provide proof as to why they need one. That is to say, women have no choice but to carry their pregnancy to term.
At first glance, this news reminded the author of America where the issue of abortion has been a topic of constant debate. Aside from religious concerns, American laws seek to balance the right to life of the fetus and women’s right to choose. In recent years, the issue has been highly politicalized and an individual’s attitude toward abortion has become an indicator of political-orientation.
But unlike America, the abortion ban in China respects neither the right to life of the fetus nor the rights of pregnant women. It has only one goal: adjusting the country’s skewed sex ratio.
- I found this to be an interesting example of how the internet can really spread information. Tom Bessinger wrote a long pro-life letter to the editor of the Muskegon Chronicle in response to another letter. In that letter, he notes research from the Alan Guttmacher Institute which found that 54% of women who have abortions were on some form of contraceptive in the last month. New York-based Alan Guttmacher employee and abortion researcher Lawrence Finer responded with his own letter. Bessinger then responded to Finer’s letter.
[Image via leatherheadblog.com]
“PP is a pre-pregnancy health service and once a woman is diagnosed as pregnant they only offer information of what there [sic] potential options are and refer women to other prenatal care that is more equipped to help these women. This why I’m… so utterly confused by this. They don’t actually perform abortions.”
Aaaaaand…. *FACEPALM*!
Seriously, who let him outside to play by himself?
PP performed 332,000 abortions last year. That amounts to over 1000 for each working day.
PP received over $360 million dollars from taxpayers last year–amounting to over $1,000,000 a day.
There are those who will close their eyes and pretend that our tax dollars do not support abortions performed at Planned Parenthood facilities, but the reality is that money is fungible. Money from taxpayers channeled to these facilities supports all of the services and programs offered under the roof of said facility.
Here in the western burbs of Chicago not only was one of the nation’s largest abortion facilities built for Planned Parenthood with 13 “recovery” rooms but it was done so with special program loans gauranteed by taxpayers…adding insult to injury to us pro-life taxpayers. It is naivete to the max to say that the recovery rooms and all of the supporting mechanicals and structure were separated out and paid only with non-taxpayer funding.
Our taxpayer dollars DO support abortion at Planned Parenthood and I for one would be supportive of taking a stand on this issue re continuing resolutions and budgets.
“Seriously, who let him outside to play by himself?”
Misinform, disinform, confuse, bewilder – the pro-abort strategy in a nutshell. Soon they’ll have people saying that Planned Parenthood feeds the hungry and clothes the poor.
Legal, Safe and Rare
A fourteen-trillion deficit
Is nothing at to sneer,
But in these times of hope and change
We think we’ve been austere.
Another one-point-five-trillion
And then we’ll start to pare:
We want to keep our budget cuts
All legal, safe and rare.
We know the voters turned us out
The last election day,
And gave the House to radicals,
All bent on foul play.
But voters took a different tack
And did the Senate spare,
So we just treat Republicans
As legal, safe and rare.
Though consequences are to flow
Beyond the ballot box,
In truth we don’t much give a darn
For populi’s clear vox.
So let those new House members
Pass all the bills they dare;
Their chances in the Upper House
Are legal, safe and rare.
And if the House’s budget cuts
Are aimed at NPR,
We’ll brand the cuts extremist hate;
We’ll paint the cuts bizarre.
And if Planned Parenthood should fall
Into the budget snare,
Abortion’s kept, we’ll say, by us
As legal, safe and rare.
Here’s hoping never comes the day
The public starts to seek,
The truth behind our fresh facade
And media technique.
For if they do we run the risk
They may become aware:
Few words can mask the truth as well
As legal, safe and rare.