Planned Parenthood is, of course, one of the groups sponsoring Pro-Choice Lobby Day in Washington, DC, today. So this morning PP CEO Cecile Richards sent out an email asking for “message[s] of support.”…

Right after Cecile’s email came another one on the same topic – messaging -  but from the other end of the spectrum…

Here’s a link to a full page print ad by the Susan B. Anthony List running in today’s The Washington Examiner, Politico, Roll Call, The Hill, and The Washington Post Express, highlighting PP founder Margaret Sanger’s roots in the eugenics movement and making the case that the business model of the organization is centered on abortion, not women’s health.

Yes, the timing was not coincidental…

This is timed to counter efforts by PP and other groups on the Hill and is in addition to SBA List’s other recent efforts to defund PP, such as obtaining and releasing statements from top GOP presidential candidates and running TV and radio ads in the DC area.

This is a nearly $40,000 ad buy total.

No, this is obviously not the sort of messaging Cecile was hoping for. Here’s the top of the SBA List ad. Click to enlarge…

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