Wednesday: Join pro-life webcast re: Obama contraceptive mandate
Priests for Life and the National Right to Life Committee are cosponsoring a webcast tomorrow evening to update pro-lifers on where things stand with the Obamacare contraception mandate and what we can each do about it.
Date: Wednesday, February 15
Time: 9-10p EST
Sign up here.
On the call will be:
- Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life
- Congressman Chris Smith, Co-Chair of the U.S. House Pro-life Caucus
- Doug Johnson, Federal Legislative Director for National Right to Life
- David N. O’Steen, Ph.D., Executive Director of National Right to Life
- Charles S. LiMandri, attorney filing the federal lawsuit on behalf of PFL
Sign up now. President Obama is trying to portray this issue as over, thanks to his “accommodation.” He couldn’t be more wrong.
[Cartoon by Scott Stantis at the Chicago Tribune via Thoughts From a Conservative Mom]

If you want to re-open the debate start calling the “accomodation” what it really is: a “clarification” of how the orignal mandate would operate.
Was that Fr. Pavone on Hannity the other night? And if so, does this mean that he has been freed from captivity, as his supporters have been demanding for lo these many months?
LisaC… the reins have been loosened…
It doesn’t matter what you call it; why debate semantics? What matters is that Obama is trying to force people to violate their conscience. Obama is forcing a clear violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Support Obama’s “mandate, or “accommodation” or “clarification” or whatever you want to call this trick, and you support a corporate Big Abortion agenda.
Don’t be fooled–Abortion is big business, and millions of dollars in profit is Obama’s goal. Big Business Abortion promotes Obama’s agenda for only one reason–Obama helps their bottom line–money. Big abortion doesn’t care about women’s health–they only want more money. If they have to raise their standard of care or
pay their own way (instead of forcing other people to pay for abortion), they make less money off of the poor minorities and immigrant population in this country. See Abortion is a racist, bloody business, and people should not be forced to pay for it, even indirectly, through Obama’s schemes. Oh, I’m sorry, it isn’t Politically Correct to say that, is it? Sorry, but it really is time to notice the Big Business Abortion elephant in the room.
This issue isn’t really about abortion, however. It is about an Administration that
doesn’t respect the basic human rights in our Declaration of Independence and our
Constitution. Vote this Administration out, and all their lackeys, while we still have the right to think and speak, according to our conscience!
I just want make sure that I was referring to how the Bishops and the Media talk about the Mandate, not the kind webmaster!!
I second that VOTE!