(Prolifer)ations 12-23-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Accepting Abundance and Coming Home discuss a Minnesota high school pep rally “practical joke” which involved students who were blindfolded and then kissed passionately – by their parents.
- Big Blue Wave posts about a study in which researchers tried to determine whether injecting potassium chloride into the hearts of preborn children effectively speeds up abortion time. Death by painful heart attack or death by dismemberment – a hideous “choice.”
- Culture Campaign reports on a disturbing study which shows that young teens engaging in group sex do so largely because of partner coercion as well as pornography. Researchers say “group sex is much more prevalent among young people than is commonly believed, and that has implications for parents, educators, and health care providers.”
- The Family Research Council has information on a domestic study of child sex trafficking by state. Is your state among the least likely to protect minors?
- Live Action points out the outrageous claims abortion proponents are making against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker because of his decision to re-route breast cancer prevention funds from Planned Parenthood to county health departments. Naturally, pro-choicers are claiming his decision will “kill women.”
- Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life writes that the University of Minnesota has won an award for its successful – and dishonest – campaign against legislation that would have prohibited human cloning.
[Photo via cbsnews.com]

I hadn’t watched the pep rally kissing gag video though I had heard about it. On facebook, one of my friends was complaining that it was no big deal and people need to chill out. But having watched it… I have to disagree. This wasn’t a sweet peck on the cheeks but looked pretty passionate! GAG GAG GAG. What is wrong with our society? What is wrong with those parents???? They need their heads examined!
I just watched it. Good Lord. I am so sorry that I did.
I would like to know what the students thought of it??? They were perfectly ok with mommy or daddy kissing them passionately?
At one of my high school’s pep rallies a blindfolded student kissed a piglet on the cheek and we thought it was hilarious.
I guess kids always need to top the generation before them, but that “joke” is pretty disturbing. Once my dad and I both went in for a peck on the cheek goodbye kiss and in our awkwardness (I inherited it from him, I swear) we turned our heads at the wrong time and our lips kind of brushed. I still get all squicked out thinking about that and cannot imagine how those students feel!
That’s completely disgusting. Who in the world would think that’s funny??
You are right Jack, it is not funny but completely “disgusting and is not a “joke”. Who comes up with such a thing? What kind of thoughts, feelings and ideas are they trying to plant in the minds of these teens and parents as well? God help us. Sick, sick, sick!
Can you imagine what those students watching who have had incestual relationships forced on them were feeling? Yuck!
The school board needs to get serious and get those administrators out. Or vote out the school board. Public schools leave much to be desired and common sense parents and voters need to get serious.
“Can you imagine what those students watching who have had incestual relationships forced on them were feeling?”
Yup. Can’t imagine a single kid who might have been abused thinking they will get any help from the school if they decided to come forward. The whole thing really, really sickens me.
Jack, Have you ever thought about going into school administration? You get it and you’d be great.
I read Gerard’s blogpost, the one from Accepting Abundance and also the local paper Star Trib.
I was saddened and sickened to read quite a few comments from those at Star Trib that it was just for fun, a harmless prank and that the rest of us need to lighten up a bit.
I still cannot wrap my brain around it.
What were these parents thinking??!!!
If this had happened behind closed doors, it would be child abuse! This happened over 2 weeks ago…is no one going to be held accountable for this?
Rosemount High School Principal John Wollersheim: John.Wollersheim@district196.org
Superintendent Jane K. Berenz: supt@district196.org
School Board Members: Jackie.Magnuson@district196.org rob.duchscher@district196.org Art.Coulson@district196.org Bob.Schutte@district196.org Joel.Albright@district196.org Gary.Huusko@district196.org
A harmless prank might have been a little peck on the lips. But the father wrapping his arms around his daughter and kissing her passionately. BLECH! The moms sticking the tongue to their boys (thats what it looked like to me). As a mom I cannot wrap my mind around it. Its NOT funny. I have a quirky sense of humor and I love a good joke but this was GROSS. The people who don’t see a problem with this really concern me!
I will take everyone’s word on this. And I’ll go watch a cat playing the piano instead. :)
These parents and educators have no proper sense of boundaries, and they are training children that people with healthy boundaries are uptight and uncool.
I think this might be (finally!) something on which we can all agree. Disgusting and disturbing. On a happier note, I wish all a Merry Christmas.
I’m sorry I saw the video. Let me know when that cat is coming through my neck of the woods ;-)
Merry Christmas to all of the denizens of Chez Stanek!!
Thanks Praxedes, but I think I might need to actually go back and get a high school diploma myself and then some before any of that would be a possibility. ;)
Merry Christmas all.
@Gerard: Since my feelings on the pep rally “festivities” have been pretty well expressed by others here, I’m going to swerve off-topic and say that the Weeping Angel at the top of your blog post really freaked me out when I first caught sight of it.
JackBorsch, I think the common sense you show, but sadly lacking in many public schools, is more important for an administrator than a degree.
Merry Christmas to you as well, and God Bless us everyone.
I used the weeping angel for a reason. In funerary art the weeping angel is used to symbolize grief over the premature death of the young, which is exactly what was going on in Rosemount High.
Yes, but that particular picture of a weeping angel comes from the Doctor Who episode “Blink,” which introduced the Weeping Angels as some of the scariest monsters I’ve ever seen. You see, they’re only statues while you at them. If you turn your head, look away, blink, then they’re alive. They can move. They can move really fast. And anything that holds the image of an Angel, include an electronic screen, becomes an Angel itself. So every time I see pictures of the DW Weeping Angels, regardless of the context, my heart skips a beat. Because, ridiculous as it is, there’s a little part of me that’s afraid it’s going to come out of my computer screen after me.
I know, I know, that’s not the point of it here. But I can’t help it. They’re in my head forever that way.
In any case, Merry Christmas!
“I think I might need to actually go back and get a high school diploma myself and then some before any of that would be a possibility.”
You better get busy then! You are very smart, articulate, compassionate, prolife and have common sense. Our young people need guys like you leading them, not yahoos like those boy-men at Rosemount!
I wouldn’t want to be blindfolded at a pep rally and then “kissed passionately” by ANYONE. What a spectacle.
Bollywood and Doctor Who?
Like David Letterman said, whe he heard that Kim Jong Il sipped cognac all day and insested his minions call him “Dear”…
“It’s like I have a twin!” :)