Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

  • Women’s Rights without Frontiers has another story of the family planning “terrorism” in China:

    The couple’s second daughter fell to her death from a fourth floor window during a quarrel with her boyfriend. Her parents took the boyfriend’s parents to court and won a judgment of 43,000 RMB ($6700), but they were never paid. The victim’s husband petitioned to enforce the judgment.

    In retaliation for this petition, that local government forcibly sterilized his wife. The local government told the victim’s husband that if he and his wife kept quiet about the forced sterilization, they would receive compensation. The couple, however, decided to post the incident on the Internet.

  • At Moral Outcry, Susan Tyrrell writes about a Minnesota bar that has installed a pregnancy test vending machine in its women’s restroom:

    The idea this bar is perpetuating is another sign that society knows that life begins at conception. The vending machines aren’t for women who are 5 or 6 months pregnant, but for those who don’t know yet and want to be sure before they drink. It’s a wonderful idea if people do choose to drink, but the underlying message is better. It says, “if you have another life in you, even if that life is so teeny you didn’t know it was there yet, don’t hurt it.”…

What happens when $3 pregnancy tests come to a bar? Maybe then a woman has time to process without coercion, or reads the information about fetal alcohol syndrome which humanizes the baby she is carrying, even if he or she is three weeks old at that point. Maybe it gives her time to think and consider real options. And certainly the pub’s original goal is valid and viable. A baby may be spared pain and a hard life from suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome because a mom makes a choice to protect her child.

  • Pro-Life Action League advertises AbortionWiki’s 10-week internship opportunity for pro-lifers of all ages and locations.
  • The Road to Roe continues to examine the influence of the late Justice William Brennan in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton and gives fascinating insight into the behind-the-scenes lobbying on the laws.

  • Wesley J. Smith notes how the New England Journal of Medicine has now suggested physicians be taken out of the assisted suicide equation (due to their reluctance to participate) and replaced with “the development of a central state or federal mechanism to confirm the authenticity and eligibility of patients’ requests, dispense medication, and monitor demand and use. Such a mechanism would obviate physician involvement beyond usual care.” Smith writes:

    Do we really think that a government that is constantly looking for ways to contain health care costs will be likely to deny death eligibility? Do we think that government death-control officials will do the right thing — or the cheap thing?

Take this proposal, coupled with government-run health care, and you have “death panels on steroids.”

  • We previously reported that the pro-life group from New Zealand’s Auckland University were under attack for distributing pro-life pamphlets on campus. ProLife NZ has this update:

    Pro-Life Aucklandwas facing exile after complaints were laid alleging it was harassing students and spreading misinformation about abortion. If the vote had passed, the club would have lost access to AUSA-supplied benefits like room booking and funding.After an hour of speakers and debate, the motion failed: 125 for and 227 against, with 12 abstentions.

  • A University of Michigan Students for Life member recounts a time when he had to answer the question, “Why are you pro life?” His answer:

    I am pro-life because I believe in the intrinsic value and dignity of the human person–that is to say, a value and dignity that he possesses not because of his perceived worth, condition, convenience, or any other factor aside from the very nature of his membership in our human race.Have you thought of how you would answer this question?

[Photos via HuffPo and Catholic Lane]

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