by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • Pro-Life NZ links to an article showing how the Guttmacher Institute pushes the legalization of abortion by using flawed methods to determine (and inflate) countries’ illegal abortion numbers.
  • Alveda King of Priests for Life announces that new Life Talk panel member Fr. Frank Pavone is set to receive the 2013 Defender of Life Award from Students for Life of America.
  • Albert Mohler notes how Newsweek, which will go out of print at the end of this year, uses one of its final editions to “deny the historical basis of Christmas.” Mohler points out that “it is Newsweek, and not the New Testament, that is going out of print.”

  • Secular Pro-Life president Kelsey Hazzard plans to soon release her new fiction entitled, Cultivating Weeds, the “story of an abortion doctor who secretly becomes pro-life and is recruited to help conduct a controversial, revolutionary medical study.” Though written from a secular point of view, Hazzard thinks Christians will enjoy it also. Look for online release soon with sales with proceeds through February to benefit SPL.
  • Wesley J. Smith takes on Princeton bioethicist Peter Singer, who seems confused by his own “twisted logic and inconsistency”:

    Singer claims that it is ethical and moral to kill an existing disabled baby to serve the interests of an, as yet, unborn sibling….

That’s the amorality of utilitarianism. There really are no fixed moral principles, only expedient analyses. If Singer wants a chance to experience near-immortality, the cost of the quest to the not yet born can be justified because they don’t matter yet. But when he wants to justify killing disabled babies, the lives of the not yet born matter more than the life of an already born infant – even if the latter-born sibling will never actually make it into this world.

In other words, in Peter Singer’s moral universe, consistency doesn’t matter and principles need not be applied.

  • Stand for Life focuses on what should be considered a healthcare crisis in New Mexico – and why this is everyone’s concern:

    In the past four years alone in New Mexico, 14 women have been rushed to local hospitals with severe life-threatening injuries due to botched abortions. In addition, late-term abortionist Shelley Sella [pictured right] faced a New Mexico Medical Board hearing after a woman suffered a ruptured uterus during a 35 week full term abortion. This was a violation of the standard of care. To make matters worse, no abortion clinic in New Mexico is ever inspected by the health department.

In New Mexico, we know that the health department, hospitals, and even high schools send unsuspecting women to Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics to receive healthcare services. Women are continually referred to abortion clinics for D&C’s after their miscarriages, sterilizations and birth control. New Mexico is one of 15 states where all of these services, including abortion, are fully funded through Medicaid by taxpayers. When abortion clinic workers maim and injure these women they make each one of us culpable.

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